Get Inspired with Weight Watchers at Work

September 16, 2015

As fall quickly approaches, the kids go back to school, and you fall back into a normal routine – Weight Watchers at Work encourages you to embrace the season and invest some time into your personal health and wellness. During the last week of September, Weight Watchers will be holding a very special “Inspire” event at meetings across campus.  Whether it means getting to a healthier weight, developing the skills to stay positive as you tackle tough goals, or creating an atmosphere of support and collaboration – Weight Watchers is here to help.

During the Inspire event, Weight Watchers Leader will be encouraging members to share their success stories with new and existing members.  Employees who are new to the program and enroll in the At Work Meetings during the week of the Inspire Event will receive a free cookbook and insulated lunch bag.

Please register here if you’d like to attend. Meetings are held at the following locations:

Monday, Sept 28 at 55 Lock Street, 1st Floor Conference Room at 12:00PM

Tuesday, Sept 29 at 333 Cedar Street, SHM B-201 at 11:45 AM

Thursday, Sept 30 at 221 Whitney, Lower Level Room LL16 at 12:00 PM

Thursday, Sept 30 at 300 George Street, Conference Room #2, Room 6229 at 12:00 PM

There is no cost to attend the Inspire Event.  Twelve week series are held at 55 Lock Street, 300 George and 221 Whitney.  While many of the 12-week series are already underway, you can join at any time and do not need to wait for a series to renew.  The full cost of a 12-week series is $165 however Weight Watchers will prorate the fee for the remaining number of meetings if you join during the Inspire event.  A Monthly Pass Program is offered at the 333 Cedar Street location at the discounted employee rate of $42.49/month (tax included).  Contact with any questions.