For Faculty and Staff
- Learn about Being Well at Yale’s stress reduction programs
- Explore weight management and nutrition programs including Choose to Lose and Lunch-and-Learns
- Commit to quit with the help of smoking cessation resources
- Meet with a health coach to help you achieve goals for healthy living
- Learn more about the Yale WorkLife and Childcare programs and resources
- Reach out for support through the Yale Personal Wellness Benefit (Employee Assistance Program provided by Optum)

For Students
- Reach out to Mental Health and Counseling for support
- Meet with Yale College’s Community Cares team for mental health and wellness support
- Learn about Yale Well resources for student wellness
- Explore the The Good Life Center for inspiration on how to live the good life
- Connect with the Yale Chaplain’s Office for spiritual exploration, growth and engagement

For the entire Yale Community
- Join a community drop-in meditation on Zoom and pre-recorded sessions
- Experience Dr. Laurie Santo’s “The Happiness Lab” podcast and “The Science of Well-being” course
- Explore the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence in creating a more compassionate society
- Participate in the Yale Stress Center’s cutting-edge research and seminars
- Visit CitySeed’s Socially Distanced Farmers Markets