Building and Maintaining Healthy Habits

Event time: 
Thursday, May 11, 2023 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm
Event description: 

Developing habits is how our minds deal with the information overload that comes with everyday life. You likely don’t even realize you’re doing habits every day, such as brushing your teeth in the morning or making a pot of coffee. Habitual behaviors are essentially your brain on autopilot, but when creating new habits, it can be intimidating to identify where to start.

Join us on Thursday, May 11th where Allison Grupski, PhD, Vice President, Behavior Change Strategies & Coaching at WeightWatchers and Coach Sophie Webb discuss how to build healthy habits and maintain them – for the long haul. Click here to register!

Active, benefit-eligible Yale Faculty, Staff, Postdoc Associates, as well as their spouses and domestic partners get an exclusive discount of 50% off the retail price and can join now for as low as $9.75 per month. Sign up at