Cafe IT - Be A Holiday Hero: Tips for stress reduction and winter wellness

Event time: 
Wednesday, December 8, 2021 - 3:00pm to 4:30pm
Zoom See map
Event description: 

The holidays can be a time filled with many emotions, joy, anticipation, excitement – but also stress, financial concerns and for some, loneliness.

In this Café IT, Being Well at Yale Education Specialist and Mental Health First Aid Instructor, Danielle Casioppo, will share valuable tips and strategies from evidence-based resources such as Mental Health First Aid, positive psychology and Yale’s Personal Wellness program. Learn about new resources available to Yale employees and their dependents and how to help someone who may be struggling with a mental health or substance use challenge during the holiday or winter season.

This informational and interactive workshop will leave participants feeling better informed and more confident in how to help themselves, a family member or colleague, through the right approach and knowing what resources are available. This workshop is recommended for: faculty, staff, managers.

Register via TMS (VPN required)