What is Keep America Active?
Keep America Active is a holistic lifestyle program that draws on the excitement of seeing and learning about new places and people by visiting famous landmarks across the United States.
How does it work?
Each time you record a Keep America Active activity you earn points. Each day you’ll see great images and vivid descriptions of different tourist attractions as if you’re right there! It’s a fun, effective way to track health habits because you actually see your progress each time you record.
What is the goal of the program?
Your goal is to log 25+ points/week by recording one or more of these health behaviors:
- exercise minutes or step
- daily gratitude
- no sugar-sweetened beverages
- plus find inspiration for a variety of well-being topics by exploring articles, daily tips and other fun features like Thrive Thursdays!
Who can participate?
Yale University faculty, staff, graduate and professional students.
If I have a disability can I still participate in Keep America Active?
Yes; the self-paced, flexible design which allows each participant to choose either exercise minutes or steps, fits people of all abilities. If walking isn’t possible, be as active as you can in whatever ways you enjoy! If you’re unsure which activities are best, check with your healthcare provider. The National Center on Health, Physical Activity, and Disability can also offer specific ideas.
How can I prepare for success in Keep America Active?
You can increase your odds of lasting success by gearing up for lifestyle change right now. Aim for 30 minutes of exercise, 5 days a week. Take note of how many sugar-sweetened beverages you drink a day, including coffee, tea, juice, soda and sports drinks. Try cutting back on one each day thereby reducing the number over time to none. Take a moment to think about how you might like to practice daily gratitude, some techniques include keeping a list or a journal, writing thank you notes, prayer, a gratitude board/jar/box, or just sharing it verbally. Get creative or keep it simple! Try something different each week or keep it the same. It’s up to you!
How does the team competition work?
Registration opens January 22; you may begin recording February 5. All teams must be formed by February 12. The challenge will end on March 18, but you may update activity until the team scores freeze on March 20. The goal of team participation is to reinforce healthy habits with a fun, friendly competition that emphasizes the overall goals of Keep America Active. Scores are based on the team’s average points/day, plus Thrive Thursday points (1 bonus point per team member each week). Each person’s individual contribution affects the team score, so it’s best to form a team with those who will encourage and support each other along the way.
What is a closed team versus an open team?
A closed team means that only those who have a received an invitation from the team captain may join. If a team is kept open, anyone may join the team.
Do I have to join a team or can I go it alone?
Team participation is optional. Although you can participate on your own, Keep America Active is even more fun when you’re on a team. And numerous studies show that you’re more likely to stick with healthy habits when supported by others.
Can anyone start a team?
Yes. After you register, click the Team link to get started and invite others to join. The person who starts the team is the team leader. Remember, teams consist of 3-8 members — yourself plus 2-7 others. Your team becomes official when at least 2 people accept the team leader’s invitation.
Must all teams have 3-8 members?
Yes. A team is not official unless there are 3-8 members. Anyone who isn’t on an official team can still participate in Keep America Active as an individual, but will not be part of the team competition.
Do team leaders have any special responsibilities?
To make sure at least 2 others register and accept your invitation to form an official team. Other than that, all team members are responsible for recording their own activity as well as encouraging and supporting each other in the Keep America Active journey. To have your activity count toward your team’s score, you must log activity by March 20, 2018.
Do all team members have to be in the same location?
No; since it’s an online program, your teammates can be across the hall or around the world. There are some advantages to having teammates close by, but the most important thing is to recruit players who are supportive and motivated to be healthy.
Are there prizes for participating?
Yes. Prizes will be awarded to the three teams who earn the most points as noted on the leader board. Additionally, prizes will be randomly awarded through a drawing to one of the top 30 teams that have earned the most points.
What if I have questions about the program?
Use the Contact email link at the bottom of each page on the Keep America Active website. A Keep America Active representative will respond within 1 business day.