On average, Americans gain approximately one to two pounds during the holiday season. While this weight gain might not sound dramatic, research shows it tends to stick around and accumulate over the years. With just a few strategies from Being Well at Yale’s Registered Dietitians and Health Educators, you can avoid holiday weight gain while still enjoying family, friends and celebrations!
This seven-week, self-directed pilot program includes weekly nutrition tips, recipes, stress management tools, physical activity suggestions, and encouraging messages posted on Yammer, a private social network for the Yale community. You can also share your own tips and support colleagues along the way! It doesn’t require recording any personal information, like weight, or tracking.
This free program runs from November 21, 2016 through January 8, 2017. If you already have an active Yammer account, search for the Yale University group, “Maintain, Don’t Gain.” If you don’t have a Yammer account, you can activate it here using your work email.