Many of us often start the new year with well-intentioned resolutions, often with weight loss topping the list. What if there was an approach to eating that allows you freedom with food and the number on a scale isn’t how you measure progress? A mindset where there were no “good” or “bad” foods? While this may sound like a new fad diet, it’s quite the contrary. In fact, call it the anti-diet. Intuitive Eating (IE) is a self-care approach that has been 25 years in the making and is now being more fully embraced by the mainstream for good reason.
IE is an evidenced-based model that ties together mind and body via 10 principles. It’s a framework for eating that incorporates intuition, emotion, and logic and honors both physical and mental health needs.
IE looks at food from an “all foods fit” approach, fosters awareness, and teaches you to relearn how to listen to internal cues to nourish and move your body without restriction and rigid rules. Instead of focusing on weight loss why not focus on attending to self-care and nurturing your body? Interested in learning more?
Being Well at Yale is offering a workshop lead by Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, Elizabeth Rathbun, LPC, Psy.D. Join her informational webinar where she will provide an overview of the intuitive eating principles and share an opportunity for small-group support.
When: February 15, 2022, 12:30-1:30pm: Class is currently full.
Second class added: March 3, 2022, 11:30am - 12:30pm
Where: Online via zoom link provided by Elizabeth Rathbun
How: Please email Elizabeth Rathbun at elizabeth.rathbun@yale.edu to sign up and to answer any questions you may have about this workshop.