The Yale Trail 2021 has come to an end. It’s been another very close challenge with several teams competing for first place! In fact, four teams have tied for first place!
Congratulations to the four teams who tied for first place, all earning 300 points, and listed in no specific order:
Sentinels - Corrine Baker, Kris Zahno, Dorothy Ashe, Lisa DeStefano
The Expendibles - Bartosz Migalski, Trang Diep, Jessica Wing, Jessica Bavin, Patricia Cirillo, Denise Kent, Angeline Rodriguez, Jennifer Wendel
The GOATS - Caitlin Thompson, Heather White, Kara Franco, Julie Ramaccia, Michelle Morgan, Joshua Pulfrey, Sylvia Perez, Michael Vaughn
YMA Spreadsheet Jockeys - Tara Gambardella, Eric Hsiao, Joe Sorrentino, Bettina Evans, Suzanne Kerley, Dawn Jenci
And congratulations to the randomly drawn team:
SOM’s Motley Shoes - Kelly Jessup, Jean Page, Lacey D’Amato, Rhona Ceppos, Tali Louis, Nicole Romeos, Shannon Casanova, Ashley Cumberledge
Truly inspirational effort from all teams and those individuals who completed this year’s Yale Trail!
Yale Trail 2021 final stats:
• Registered participants: 2212 - the most to date!
• Official teams: 256
• Wellness Wall posts: 489
• Produce Servings – recorded 42,766 times
• Meaningful connections – recorded 43,513 times
For a prize, the winning teams will receive a private online cooking demonstration from City Seed New Haven’s own Sanctuary Kitchen.
The Yale Trail may be over for this spring, but we hope that it has inspired healthy habits that will last all year long!