Wellness Calendars

Interested in offering a department wellness calendar to promote simple strategies for well-being and team building?


Before meeting with the Being Well at Yale team to discuss specifics, here are a few things to consider:

  • Why would a wellness calendar be of value to your department?
  • Who and how will the calendar be shared and promoted within the department?
  • How will you measure the impact of your calendar?
  • How many may be attending and what location(s) are available to hold the events?

The Being Well at Yale team will help build your calendar which generally includes a variety of daily wellness-inspired actions and activities and one to three workshops or events, depending on the number of employees and building locations. 

Workshop and Event examples:

Stress Reduction Workshops through Being Well at Yale or Optum

  • The department books the room and handles registration. Being Well at Yale coordinates the speaker.
  • Optum speakers are coordinated through Work+Life

Take a Paint Break*

  • Program is offered at Art Plus Studio, 1207 Chapel St.  Being Well will connect you with the studio to coordinate the day and time.

Salad Socials*

  • Department provides the leafy greens, dressing, plates, utensils and spa water (optional) 
  • Attendees each bring a fresh, washed and chopped or unopened topping to share  

Chair massages*

  • Being Well will connect you with the vendor, and the department is responsible for coordinating the location and schedule.

*Fees apply. Consider applying for a Wellness Scholarship to help offset some of the costs.

Once the calendar is completed and shared with the department:

  1. Promote it!
  2. Encourage staff to register for programs. Being Well will provide registration updates as the date draws near, if applicable
  3. Submit any invoices for payment to Being Well, if applicable (this may be done directly from vendor)
  4. Provide feedback from participants and any measured impact.

Read about Yale Medicine Administration’s wellness calendar experience by clicking here.  

To request a wellness calendar for your department, please contact beingwell@yale.edu or call 436-8270. At least 30 days advance notice is required.